Creativity is seeing the same thing but thinking differently.

Please click the button and scroll the page.

Learning essentials for a Python Django web developer

The easy way to learn / develop any programming skill is to build something in real life with it.

When you can understand and clearly go through the following terms even your eye close . Then you may consider your self as a web programmer.

It takes years to master the ins and outs of Django, but the basics are quite easy to pick up - if you are somewhat comfortable in Python. You can achieve it in a few days or weeks, depending on your previous experience and the effort you put in.

The important thing to note here , is that you probably won’t arrive to a place where you know everything about Django, but obviously after a few years of working with the same technology the pace of learning slows down. You might still learn new things occasionally but you won’t have too many surprises after a year or two. That said, there is a huge and continuously growing list of extensions and libraries built for or on top of Django, so the learning never really stops."

Coding Part

Press window + r

type cmd press enter

type cd desktop then enter

C:\Users\ICT_LAB\Desktop>mkdir Django999

C:\Users\ICT_LAB\Desktop>cd Django999

type python --version

type pip --version

[notice] A new release of pip available: 22.2.2 -> 22.3.1

C:\Users\ICT_LAB\Desktop\Django999>pip install virtualenv

C:\Users\ICT_LAB\Desktop\Django999>python -m venv venvxx


(venvxx) C:\Users\ICT_LAB\Desktop\Django999>django-admin --version 4.1

inside venvxx

(venvxx) C:\Users\ICT_LAB\Desktop\Django999>pip install django

Successfully installed asgiref-3.5.2 django-4.1.2 sqlparse-0.4.3 tzdata-2022.6

type django-admin –version

pip list

(venvxx) C:\Users\ICT_LAB\Desktop\Django999>django-admin startproject projectxyzm

(venvxx) C:\Users\ICT_LAB\Desktop\Django999\projectxyzm>py runserver

default server port at http://

Starting development server at http://

To open the link press Ctrl + click

To stop server press ctrl + c

want to change the server’s port, pass it as a command-line argument

...\> py runserver 8080

py startapp skulapp


To learn Django you will need to be familiar with at least the basics of Python and the followings of Django.


Admin Panel and Admin Panel customization

User authentication and authorisation


Jinja 2



Database Models One to one, One to many and Many to many relationship.


Production DB



Model Forms

Media & Static


Authentication OTP


Integrate payment gateway




Thank You

Safe Road BD/Barishal

মূলত স্কুল ও কলেজের শিক্ষার্থী এবং শিশু ও কিশোর দের জন্য ( সংক্ষেপিত ) এই সংকলনটি । একজন পথচারী হিসেবে এবং সাইকেল, গাড়ি ও মোটর সাইকেল দীর্ঘদিন চালাতে গিয়ে আমার যে অভিজ্ঞতা হয়েছে । তাই শেয়ার করা । আমার মনে হয়েছে শিশু ও কিশোর দের জীবনের শুরুতেই যদি রাস্তা বা পথ কিভাবে ব্যবহার করবে সেই ধারনা অর্থাৎ রোড সেন্স ডেভেলপ করে দেয়া যায় । তাহলে সড়ক দুর্ঘটনা কমিয়ে আনা যাবে । আলাদা অনুচ্ছেদে অভিভাবক দের জন্য দুটি কথা বলেছি। মুদ্রন ত্রুটি কারও চোখে পড়লে, বা মতামত জানাতে সবার প্রতি সাদর আমন্ত্রন রইল।

This section is designed for the people who use roads and highways in Barishal.

For creating public awareness on road safety.

বিস্তারিত জানতে অ্যাপ টি বিনা মুল্যে ডাউন লোড করে দেখতে পারেন ।

App Link on Google Play Store "Road Safety Bd "

অভিভাবকদের প্রতি বিনীত অনুরোধ আপনার তরুণ বা কিশোর বয়সী সন্তানকে মোটর সাইকেল কিনে দেয়ার আগে নিজ দায়িত্বে তাঁকে মোটর সাইকেল চালানো প্রশিক্ষণ গ্রহন ও লাইসেন্স নেবার ব্যবস্থা নিশ্চিত করুন ।

আপনার তরুণ বা কিশোর বয়সী সন্তানকে মোটর সাইকেল কিনে দেয়ার আগে তাঁর ও অন্য পথচারীর নিরাপত্তার জন্য তাঁকে যেইসব নিয়ম জানতে ও মানতে হবে সেই নিয়ম গুলো তাঁকে জানতে ও মানতে বাধ্য করুন।

বাংলাদেশের রাস্তা গুলি বিশেষ করে মোটর সাইকেল এর রেস খেলার জায়গা বা রেসিং ট্র্যাক নয় ।

রাস্তায় একে বেকে এবং ফুলস্পিডে বাইক চালানো কোনও কৃতিত্বের কাজ নয় , বরং নিজের ও অন্যের মৃত্যু ও পঙ্গুত্বের ঝুঁকি বাড়ায় । সেটা যেন সে কখনই না করে ।

মোটর সাইকেল এর লুকিং গ্লাস খুলে রাখা এক্সিডেন্ট এর অন্যতম কারন। এটা স্মার্টনেস নয় বরং, বোকামি ও অপরাধ । বাস্তব জীবন সিনেমা নয়।

তাড়াতাড়ি যাবার চেষ্টার ফলে বেশিরভাগ দুর্ঘটনা ঘটে। তাই অতি দ্রুতগতিতে কোন বাহন চালানো যাবেনা।

রাস্তা অতিক্রম এর সময় আগে থামতে হবে। এরপর রাস্তার ডানে তারপর বামে তারপর আবার ডানে দেখে রাস্তা ফাকা হলে রাস্তা অতিক্রম করবেন।

প্রয়োজনে দাড়িয়ে অপেক্ষা করুন । আহত হয়ে হাসপাতালে যাবার চাইতে , নিজ গন্তব্যে আস্তে আস্তে যাওয়া উত্তম। প্রয়োজনে ট্রাফিক পুলিশের সাহায্য নিন।

রাস্তা অতিক্রম কালে রাস্তার মধ্যে হঠাৎ করে দৌড় দেবেন না । তাতে অন্য বাহনের চালক নিয়ন্ত্রণ হারান ফলে দুর্ঘটনা ঘটে।

শিশুদের হাত অবশ্যই ধরে থাকবেন । রাস্তা অতিক্রম এর সময় বা রাস্তায় চলার সময় শিশুরা হঠাৎ হঠাৎ যেকোনো দিকে দৌড় দেয় যা দুর্ঘটনার অন্যতম কারন ।

সব সময় রাস্তার বাম দিক দিয়ে চলুন । ফুট পাথ ব্যবহার করুন। বাম দিকের ফুট পাথ দিয়ে হাঁটুন ।

সরু রাস্তায় দুই ,তিন বা একাধিক ব্যক্তি পাশাপাশি রাস্তা ব্লক করে হাঁটবেন না বা খেলাধুলা করবেন না, অপর দিক থেকে আগত বাহন বা ব্যক্তির চলা চলের বাধা না হন তা খেয়াল করুন।

উল্টো পথে হাটা ও গাড়ি বা যে কোন বাহন উল্টো পথে চালানো একটি অপরাধ এবং সড়ক দুর্ঘটনার অন্যতম কারন ।

চলমান মোটর সাইকেল , রিক্সা , অটো, গাড়ি, বাস বা যে কোন বাহন থেকে বাইরে থুথু , সিগারেট, পানের পিক , পানের চুন ফেলা যাবে না। আপনার গায়ে পড়লে কেমন লাগবে ?

চলমান মোটর সাইকেল , রিক্সা , অটো, গাড়ি, বাস বা যে কোন বাহন থেকে বাইরে সিগারেট ছাই, ফেলা যাবে না।

আপনার ফেলা থুথু , সিগারেট, পানের পিক , পানের চুন আপনার পেছনের রিক্সা বা মোটর সাইকেল চালকের চোখে যায়।পেছনের রিক্সা বা মোটর সাইকেল চালক নিয়ন্ত্রণ হারান ফলে দুর্ঘটনা ঘটে।

রাস্তায় বাহনের অপেক্ষায় আছেন , রাস্তার পাশে দাড়িয়ে আছেন , খেয়াল করুন রাস্তার সংযোগ স্থলে সংযোগ সড়ক এর মুখ আটকে দাড়িয়েছেন কিনা ?

রাস্তার সংযোগ স্থলে সংযোগ সড়ক এর মুখ আটকে দাঁড়াবেন না ।

আপনি চলমান মোটর সাইকেল , রিক্সা , অটো, গাড়ি, বাস বা যে কোন বাহন চালাবার সময় গতি আপনার নিয়ন্ত্রণে রাখুন । ব্রেক ব্যবহার করুন ।

অন্যকে আগে যেতে দিন। যে কোন ধরনের যানবাহন দ্রুতগতিতে চালানো সড়কে দুর্ঘটনার অন্যতম কারন।

মোটরযান চালানোর সময় মোবাইল ফোনে কথা বলা দুর্ঘটনার কারন ও দণ্ডনীয় অপরাধ। 

হেলমেট না পরলে জরিমানা ২০০ টাকা থেকে বাড়িয়ে সর্বোচ্চ ১০ হাজার টাকা করা হয়েছে।

মোটর সাইকেল , রিক্সা , অটো, গাড়ি, বাস বা যে কোন বাহন রাস্তায় চালাবার আগে পরিক্ষা করুন ব্রেক , হর্ন , সিগন্যাল লাইট, চাকার হাওয়া, তেল, মবিল ,রিয়ার ভিউ মিরর সব ঠিক ভাবে কাজ করছে কিনা ।

আপনার নিজের ভালোর জন্যে আগে ট্রাফিক আইন, সড়ক ব্যবহার বিধি, ট্রাফিক সংকেত ও সাইন গুলোর অর্থ জানুন তারপর সেগুলো মেনে চলুন এবং অন্যকে অবহিত করুন ।

ট্রাফিক সংকেত ও সাইন গুলোর অর্থ জানুন ও মেনে চলুন।

Watch the video

To be continued ........

Business inteligence with Power BI.
Do you want to track, analyze and report
on KPIs and metrics with
modern, interactive dashboards?

Benefit of a well-designed BI dashboard:
Saving BI time. ...
Empowering end users. ...
Improved efficiency enabled by BI software. ...
Bringing data together. ...
Focusing on KPIs. ...
Improving the decision-making process. ...
Telling trends.

By Data visualization you can realize the true meaning and follow the trend of your business.

Dashboards could be customized in terms of users and expectations. ... All-in-one. ...
Drill into detail. ...
Intuitive data presentation. ...
Mobile device accessible....
Communicate information quickly......
Display information clearly and efficiently.......
Show trends and changes in data over time.......
Easily customizable.......
The most important widgets and data components are effectively presented in a limited space.......

Need to build any of the following dashboards:

1) Management KPI Dashboard. ...
2) Financial KPI Dashboard. ...
3) Sales Cycle Length Dashboard. ...
4) IT Project Management Dashboard. ...
5) Procurement Data Analytics Dashboard. ...
6) Web Analytics Dashboard. ...
7) Human Resources Data Dashboard. ...
8) Manufacturing Production Dashboard....
9) operational dashboard.....
10) strategic dashboard.....
11) executive dashboard.....
12) CFO dashboard.....

Sales Dashboard demo video

Data race demo video

"Sohoz" is a Bangali word. The meaning of "Sohoz" is easy like anything.

অন লাইন ভিত্তিক শিক্ষার্থী মুূল্যায়ন নমুনা[Sample Class Ten Bangla]

Video demonstration

Time consuming calculations are now done in seconds.

To reduce the huge work pressure before and after any exam. One stop solution.
Sohoz a program for Bangladeshi Secondary schools.

Very much effective, accurate and time saver.

স্কুলের জন্য সহজ সফটওয়্যার খুবই কার্যকরী ও প্রমাণিত

সহজে পাওয়া যাবে

(১) শ্রেণি ভিত্তিক শিক্ষার্থীর তালিকা

(২) প্রতি শিক্ষার্থীর আই ডি কার্ড সফটকপি

(৩ ) এডমিট কার্ড

(৪) আসন পত্র

(৫) প্রতি শিক্ষার্থীর আলাদা একাডেমিক ট্রান্সক্রিপ্ট

(৬) টেবুলেসন সিট

(৭) মেধা তালিকা।

যোগাযোগের জন্য কল করুন ০১৭৬০ ৯৬০ ৯৯৯

সহজ সফটওয়্যার এর আনন্দিত ব্যবহারকারিরা:

Happy and delightful users of Sohoz.

Photo gallery:

Android App: What we do for you: Layout design to play store deployment. Book app, Roulette app, Slot game app, Spinner app, Quiz app.

[Please click the links below to find the apps from Google play store, install and use.]

Language Translator App. Voice to Voice and Text.

pict1 pic2t pic3t

Please watch the demo video (roulette).

Please watch the demo video(spinner).

Click Your Desired App's Link below.

German To English Voice Translator[Two way conversation ].

Portuguese To Spanish Voice Translator[Two way conversation ].

English To Spanish Voice Translator[Two way conversation ].

English To Dutch Voice Translator[Two way conversation ].

Portuguese To Italian Voice Translator[Two way conversation ].

Portuguese To French Voice Translator[Two way conversation ].

Portuguese To English Voice Translator[Two way conversation ].

Portuguese To German Voice Translator [Two way conversation ].

Spin the wheel game for fun.

Slot game for fun.

Bottle spinner game for fun.

Transform your book to an app to reach the world.

Fire protection using Machine Learning and Computer Vision.......

Fires are a serious threat to both life and property.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, there were over 1.3 million fires reported in the United States in 2019 alone, resulting in over 3,700 deaths and $14.8 billion in property damage.

One of the main challenges with fire incidents is detecting them early enough to prevent significant damage and loss of life.

Traditional fire detection and alarm systems rely on sensors that detect smoke or heat, which can often result in false alarms or delayed response times. This can be particularly problematic in large or complex facilities, where it can be difficult to pinpoint the location of a fire.

The product addresses this problem by utilizing computer vision technology to detect flames and fire in real-time, providing an immediate response to any fire incident. This technology provides a more accurate and reliable way to detect fires, reducing the risk of false alarms and ensuring that the appropriate response is initiated quickly. Additionally, the product's multi-functional response system helps to minimize the damage caused by fires, potentially saving property and lives.

The multi-functional response system is a key feature of the product that helps to minimize the damage caused by fires, potentially saving property and lives. In addition to detecting fires, the system triggers a range of responses including ringing an alarm, activating signal lights, starting a smoke sucker fan, and turning on a water pump on the spot. These responses can help to contain and extinguish the fire, reducing the risk of property damage and loss of life.

For example, the alarm and signal lights can quickly alert people to the presence of a fire, allowing them to evacuate the building quickly and safely. The smoke sucker fan can help to remove smoke and toxic gases from the building, improving visibility and reducing the risk of respiratory problems. And the water pump can provide a quick source of water for extinguishing the fire, potentially preventing it from spreading further.

By providing a multi-functional response system, the product is able to provide a comprehensive solution to the problem of fire incidents, addressing not only the detection of fires but also the necessary response to minimize damage and save lives.

The product is a fire detection and alarm system that utilizes computer vision technology to detect flames and fire in real-time. It features a camera with open-source computer vision software that can instantly detect fire, triggering a range of responses including ringing an alarm, activating signal lights, starting a smoke sucker fan, and turning on a water pump on the spot.

The key features of the product include:

Real-time fire detection: The system is capable of detecting flames and fire in real-time, ensuring immediate response to any fire incidents.

Computer vision technology: The system uses advanced computer vision technology to accurately detect fire, minimizing false alarms and increasing reliability.

Multi-functional response: The system triggers a range of responses including ringing an alarm, activating signal lights, starting a smoke sucker fan, and turning on a water pump on the spot, ensuring a comprehensive response to any fire incident.

Easy installation and maintenance: The system is easy to install and maintain, reducing the cost and complexity of implementing a fire detection and alarm system.

Overall, the product provides a reliable and efficient fire detection and alarm system that can help prevent damage to Soil property and save lives in the event of a fire.

Send an email to the fire station (optional)

Want to build an image classifier which can detect flame and fire ?

The advantages of the product over the competition

Our proposed solution, which utilizes computer vision technology to detect flames and fire in real-time,

provides several advantages over traditional fire detection systems and other AI-based solutions.

Compared to traditional fire detection systems that rely on sensors to detect smoke or heat,

our solution provides a more accurate and reliable way to detect fires.

By using computer vision technology, the system can identify flames and fire in real-time,

reducing the risk of false alarms and ensuring that the appropriate response is initiated quickly.

This can be particularly useful in large or complex facilities,

where it can be difficult to pinpoint the location of a fire.

In comparison to other AI-based fire detection solutions,

our product has several advantages.

Firstly, our multi-functional response system is a key feature that helps to minimize the damage caused by fires, potentially saving property and lives. Our system can activate a range of responses including ringing an alarm, activating signal lights, starting a smoke sucker fan, and turning on a water pump on the spot. These responses can help to contain and extinguish the fire, reducing the risk of property damage and loss of life.

Secondly, our product is user-friendly and easy to install. Unlike other AI-based fire detection systems that require complex installation processes and may require extensive training for operation, our system is designed to be easy to install and operate, making it accessible to a wide range of customers.

Finally, our product is competitively priced. While some AI-based fire detection systems can be prohibitively expensive,

our system is designed to be affordable for small and medium-sized businesses as well as large corporations and factories.

In summary, our proposed solution provides several advantages over traditional fire detection systems and other AI-based solutions, including more accurate and reliable fire detection, a multi-functional response system to minimize damage, user-friendly installation and operation, and competitive pricing.

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If you are an investor, we invite you to join us in bringing this innovative product to market. We believe that our solution has the potential to revolutionize the fire detection industry and provide real value to our customers. With your investment, we can accelerate product development, expand our marketing efforts, and grow our business to achieve profitability.

If you are a potential customer, we invite you to contact us to learn more about our product and how it can benefit your organization. We believe that our solution offers several advantages over traditional fire detection systems and other AI-based solutions, and we are confident that we can provide a high-quality product and excellent customer service to meet your needs.

In conclusion, our company has developed an innovative fire detection system that uses computer vision to detect flames and fire. Our multi-functional response system can help to minimize the damage caused by fires, potentially saving property and lives. We have identified a large and diverse market for our product, including B2G, B2B, and B2C customers in the United States, Canada, Europe, and the Middle East.

Our business model is designed to generate revenue and achieve profitability in the coming years. We are seeking funding to support product development, marketing, and hiring additional staff to support business operations. Our team is experienced and qualified to bring this product to market and achieve success in the industry.

We invite investors and potential customers to join us in bringing this innovative product to market. We believe that our solution has the potential to revolutionize the fire detection industry and provide real value to our customers. With your investment and support, we can achieve our vision of making the world a safer place.

Stop spread of domestic fire and wild fire .

Protect the human civilization protect the top soil.

I am not a drop of water in the ocean

I am the entire ocean within a drop.

I am the particle of the great I AM.

Thank You ,God inside me !!!

Know thyself !!!

The beauty you see here is a reflection of your good thought. Thank You.

Humans are the only creature who cut trees, make paper with it and write on the paper "Save trees".

True for every person : Judge as per depth of own knowledge , Act as per own habit , Contains/think as per the size of the container/brain. !!!

How much of the the infinite can i hold inside me ?

With faith, you can change your destiny

There are many complexities behind everything in the world that are not always understood. We should never just look at the surface, it is quite foolish to judge another without understanding. Those who always want to pay the food bill themselves do not mean that their money is overflowing. This is because to him friendship has greater value than money. Those who work in the first place, it means that he is not a fool, in fact he has a sense of responsibility. Those who apologize first after a quarrel or argument are not mistaken, but rather they evaluate the people around them. The one who wants to help you and does not expect anything from you, he is a real friend. Just because someone texts you often doesn't mean they have no work, they actually love you with all their heart.

One day we will be separated from each other, but our behavior and love will remain in people's hearts.

Someone will remember, “This is the man I spent the best time of my life with".

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Nobody will come through the window and kick your ass and tell you the right direction to achieve your goal. You have to get up and start right now.

Never be in the middle of no where. Decision always yes or no. Take the apparently seems impossible goal. Break it down into small action steps you can take.

Say no to everything that does not take you where you need to go.

Goals must have a target finish time attached.

Learn forgiveness. Never allow negative thought, never allow negative people. Among the people around you. Identify those people who are pulling you down. Make sure . Choose friends wisely. After you make sure the “ let them go “ You will get your Own power back.

As per your goal Do something on daily basis And avoid something on Daily basis.

If you work towards your goal today and every today . Then – You must be Crowned with success. By the universe. Tomorrow will come. Definitely.

If you are brave enough to say good bye. Life will reward you with a new hello.

Take responsibility.

Know what your goals are. You must achieve it . If you want it. See the progress. Many people achieved it before.

Believe that your goals are achievable.

Everyday ask yourself :What is one small thing I can do right now that will get me closer to my goal.

Track your progress.

Any big goal is achievable when broken into smaller steps.

If you know what to do . Then DO. If you don’t know what to do. Then LEARN.

You don’t need all the answers to start.

People don’t know who you are and what you do. Be silent while you are on your way.

If you win the day , you can win the week. The month. The year and eventually win at life.

You don’t have it yet . Because you don’t want it enough.

Visualize achieving your goals.

Do not take criticism from someone you wouldn’t Go for advice.

Pretend there’s a camera crew shooting a documentary about your life.

Help others achieve their goals and you will achieve your in the process.

Defining the problem explicitly Is half the solution.

Learn to rest not to quit.

Do not change your goal unless the fundamentals have changed.

Some times you will have to kill the old you to become someone new who’s worthy of the goal.

You’re validated by the progress you make. Not by what other people think of you.

Want to win ? Be exceptional at one thing.

Today and this moment is the truth. If you win today and every today then You will be the winner.

Today and this moment is the gift from the universe to you . That’s is why the moment is called PRESENT.

Go to the library. Study and believe in yourself.

Never assume Ask questions.

Learning Method: At first listen the experts then do. Learn and learn; copy everything then do. Be die hard student.

*** A lazy man wants everything but he do nothing for achieving it.*** Rise. Getup. Involve in action now. Utilize every moment.

In my present life what I hear on a daily basis is the commentary of others on The blunt sword. My critics cant see the future nor have they made a single right Prediction in their lives.

The truth is none of them is an expert. They are simple peoples sharing their inabilities, fears, limitations and lack of information about what you want to do. In the form of opinion ,

So you would remain the same as them. Critics are not special, they don’t know anything more than I already do.

Never be in the middle of no where. Decision always yes or no.

Take the apparently seems impossible goal and break it down into small action steps you can take.

Define what do you want. Tell your brain: “This is what I want.”

Looking forward to reach the next level of life.

“When your goals are clear, you will come up with exactly the right answer at the right time.”

We are all born with divine fire inside. We should try to add wings to this fire and fill the world with the light of its goodness.

To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal.

Dream, dream, dream. Dreams transform into thoughts and thoughts result in action.

If you want to leave your footprints On the sands of time Do not drag your feet.

When you are the anvil, bear – When you are the hammer, strike.

The best performances are accomplished when you are relaxed and free of doubt. Take things as they came.

Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts.

Does the seagull not fly across the Sun, alone and without a nest?

“This land may be housing your body but not your soul. Your soul dwells in the house of tomorrow which none of us at this country can visit, not even in our dreams. May God bless you.”

To succeed in life and achieve results, you must understand and master three mighty forces— desire, belief, and expectation.

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear—How true!

Here was the teacher to show the way to a student who had nearly gone astray!

“Accept your destiny and go ahead with your life.

What you are destined to become is not revealed now but it is predetermined.

Forget this failure, as it was essential to lead you to your destined path.

Search, instead, for the true purpose of your existence.

Become one with yourself. Surrender yourself to the wish of God

Please leave a line to me.

Last updated on 17 September 2023

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